The Team

Helen Smith
Senior Responsible Officer
Natural England

Helen Smith

Senior Responsible Officer
Natural England
Morgan Barrie
Project Manager & Finance Officer
Natural England

Morgan Barrie

Project Manager & Finance Officer
Natural England
Simon Johnson
Executive Director
Freshwater Biological Association

Simon Johnson

Executive Director
Freshwater Biological Association
Pete Evoy
Trust Director
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

Pete Evoy

Trust Director
South Cumbria Rivers Trust
Victoria Burton
Senior Environmental Project Manager
Environment Agency

Victoria Burton

Senior Environmental Project Manager
Environment Agency [email protected]
Louise Lavictoire
Head of Science
Freshwater Biological Association

Louise Lavictoire

Head of Science
Freshwater Biological Association
Mike West
Senior Project Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

Mike West

Senior Project Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust
Kath Smith
Engagement Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

Kath Smith

Engagement Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust
Lesley Hadwin
Administration Officer
Freshwater Biological Association

Lesley Hadwin

Administration Officer
Freshwater Biological Association
Ben King
Pearl Mussel Officer
Freshwater Biological Association

Ben King

Pearl Mussel Officer
Freshwater Biological Association
Emma Wright
Project Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

Emma Wright

Project Officer
South Cumbria Rivers Trust
Nicki Rushton
Project Sponsor
Environment Agency

Nicki Rushton

Project Sponsor
Environment Agency
Richard Park
Catchment Management Adviser
Natural England

Richard Park

Catchment Management Adviser
Natural England
Joe Rigby
Catchment Management Adviser
Natural England

Joe Rigby

Catchment Management Adviser
Natural England
Jodie Warren
Pearl Mussel Assistant
Freshwater Biological Association

Jodie Warren

Pearl Mussel Assistant
Freshwater Biological Association
Samantha Graves
Invasive non-native species coordinator
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

Samantha Graves

Invasive non-native species coordinator
South Cumbria Rivers Trust

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Project Partners and Funders 



CINEA is the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and runs the LIFE grant scheme. The LIFE R4ever Kent Project is a partnership project, co-funded by the European Union. The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

South Cumbria Rivers Trust

South Cumbria Rivers Trust’s objectives are to monitor, conserve and protect and, when necessary, rehabilitate and improve biodiversity of the lakes, rivers and streams of South Cumbria. SCRT encourages the public, landowners and businesses through education to understand the value of lakes and rivers including their fauna and flora, and the management of the water.

“A vital element to the success of this project will be engaging local communities in our work. Throughout the project we have planned activities and events to work with local groups and landowners to raise awareness and understanding and promote partnership working to restore and revitalise the River Kent as a SAC. Workshops and activities are planned to help ensure we all play our part in helping promote and develop a healthy river system, which will in turn ensure excellent habitat quality and conditions for many aquatic and terrestrial species.”

Dr Mike West South Cumbria Rivers Trust’s Senior Project Officer

The Freshwater Biological Association 

We are the voice for freshwaters. The Freshwater Biological Association is dedicated to understanding and protecting freshwater environments across the world. We are advocates for one of the most vulnerable ecosystems on the planet. Our Association has the knowledge and data to drive positive action. We make a measurable impact on the ground through our science-based projects, species recovery programmes and citizen science activities. We train and educate freshwater scientists, building a community to protect freshwater habitats.

“Being a partner in R4everKent is a valuable opportunity for FBA to support important conservation work on the River Kent. Using our scientific and species recovery expertise, we are aiming to restore a viable population of freshwater pearl mussels from areas of the river where they are in low numbers/now absent.  If we get conditions right for mussels, the wider ecology of the river will also thrive, and that’s good news for nature and people!”

Simon Johnson Freshwater Biological Association's Executive Director

The Environment Agency 

The Environment Agency is the environmental regulator for England with powers and duties relating to environment protection, flood defence, water resources, fisheries, recreation, conservation and navigation. The EA drive the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England and deliver the Farming Rules for Water initiative, which aims to protect waterbodies from diffuse water pollution. The authority also leads research into Working with Natural Processes as a means to manage flood risk while benefitting the environment and mitigating climate change, key for the River Kent Catchment.

“The Environment Agency welcomes the opportunity to work with our partners to deliver this innovative project focusing on restoring and revitalising the River Kent SAC, so it is more resilient to environmental pressures and the survival of vital species is secured for future generations.”

Nicki Rushton The Environment Agency's Area Environment Manager

Natural England

Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide. They are a key figure of nature conservation, covering many parameters including landscape enhancement, biodiversity improvement, access and nature-based social and economic initiatives.

“We are delighted to be working with our partners to deliver the LIFE R4ever Kent project. Cumbria is a diverse and beautiful county, known internationally for its lakes. Its rivers may not be as famous but are an important part of the Lake District landscape.  Not only will the freshwater pearl mussel benefit from the work within this project, but we will also be improving conditions for other species such as the increasingly rare white-clawed crayfish that are also found in the River Kent and its tributaries.”

Chris Kaighin Natural England’s Area Manager